Germany bans civil servants, judges, soldiers from wearing Burqas

Germany’s Bundestag lower house of parliament agreed to a draft law on Thursday that will prevent civil servants, judges, and soldiers in Germany from wearing full-face veils at work as part of security measures what they call a “precaution” to prevent extremist attacks. The move comes after Chancellor Angela Merkel called in December for a ban on full-face Muslim veils “wherever legally possible”. There are five months to go before a federal election, and her conservatives lost some support to the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) during the migrant crisis. In February, the southern state of Bavaria, ruled by the Christian Social Union (CSU) – the Bavarian sister party to Merkel’s conservatives – said it would ban the full-face veil in schools, universities, government workplaces and polling stations.
Germany is not the first European country to target Muslim women. Recently, Austrian government made a move to ban the full-body and facial veils, saying: “We believe in an open society that is also based on open communication. Full-body veils in public spaces stand against that and will therefore be prohibited.”

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