Abdullah Qaiser says he came to Newcastle from Pakistan last year to study in a secure environment.
The 21-year-old had his nose smashed by a man wearing a knuckle duster after his car was stopped at the University of Newcastle’s Callaghan campus.
More than two months have passed since Abdullah Qaiser was attacked at night by a group of young people.
While driving through the university campus, the 21-year-old international student’s car was stopped by a group of around seven people who set upon him.
Mr Qaiser said a man shouted at him to “f*** off” and to “go back to your f***ing country.”
“’You don’t belong here, you are a Muslim’, the usual racial comments,” Mr Qaiser told SBS.
SBS Urdu has since talked to Mr Qaiser who was left with a broken nose and injuries.
He says his life has not been the same since the incident.
“My nose was broken during the attack. Recently, I had to go to the hospital where they operated. The doctors had to realign the bone in my nose.
“The shape of my nose has changed; it is slightly crooked now.
“The doctors did tell me that they will not be able to reshape it 100% the way it was. I think it is out of shape compared to what it previously was.”
Source: SBS