Swedish far-right party submits motion calling for circumcision ban

A leader of the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats party submitted a draft motion calling for a ban on nonmedical circumcision of boys, which the text defined as “backward” child abuse.
Sweden Democrats Secretary Richard Jomshof on Wednesday submitted the draft for a nonbinding motion on circumcision to the Riksdag, the Swedish parliament, where his party is the third-largest with 18 percent of the seats.
Titled “Prohibition of nonmedical circumcision,” the proposed text, on which a vote has not yet been scheduled, states that “The Riksdag stands behind what is stated in the motion to introduce a ban on nonmedical circumcision of children and announces this to the government.”
In Jomhof’s reasoning for the draft motion, he wrote that the practice, which Jews perform on 8-day-old babies and many Muslims have performed a bit later in childhood, “is a regular abuse of the individual child as well as an infringement of the child’s integrity and self-determination.”
Source: The Times of Israel

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