A man slapping, punching, and choking girlfriend because she forgot gift at bar

A shocking video shows a man slapping, punching, and choking his girlfriend after having an argument with her at her home.
Twenty four-year-old Victor Junqueira from Goiania, Brazil  was caught physically assaulting his girlfriend of three years, 26-year-old Luciana Sinzimbra, on a hidden camera that she had secretly set up after she feared he would get violent with her.
In the footage, which Sinzimbra claimed was released without her permission or approval, Junqueira can be seen sitting in front of her as she was wiping away her tears and sobbing uncontrollably.
The 24-year-old, reportedly a pilot by profession, can be heard talking in a low tone to Sinzimbra before the argument escalated.
They both can be seen exchanging words for the next few seconds before Junqueira suddenly lunges at Sinzimbra and slaps her hard across the face. He then repeatedly hits her legs as she tries to defend herself and kick him off her.
“Stop hitting me,” the 26-year-old can be heard begging Junqueira in the video. “You’re hitting me again.” The boyfriend accuses her of lying to him, telling her he will “beat you up more” and that “you lied to me the whole time,” jumping onto the bed a few moments later, grabbing her by the neck, and forcibly slamming her on to the bed.
Sinzimbra reported the incident to the local police the next day and pressed charges against Junqueira. It emerged that the assault had taken place after the couple had returned from an outing with friends at a local restaurant on December 15, and Sinzimbra had angered Junqueira by mistakenly forgetting his gift at the bar they had visited.
Junqueira was charged with bodily injury, threat, and domestic violence, and faces up to 4.5 years in prison if found guilty. While he was not arrested, he was ordered to follow “precautionary measures” that state he is to not contact Sinzimbra while the public ministry in Goias looks over the case. 
Source: Meaww

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