Around 300 Palestinian minor who are being held by the Israeli occupation were unable to attend the first day of school yesterday, Safa News Agency reported.
Reporting the director of, Safa said that
Some 1.3 million Palestinian students began the new school yesterday however a number of children were deprived of that right, Director of the Palestinian Prisoners Centre for Studies Raafat Hamadaouna said.
“The Israeli occupation committed crimes against the Palestinian children, including depriving them of their basic rights such as receiving primary education, inflicting physical and psychological torture on them, starving them, scaring them with fierce dogs, deceiving them, harsh treatment, solitary confinement, holding fake military trials, provocative inspections and putting them in inappropriate places,” Hamadouna explained.
This, he said, contradicts international laws as well as the Geneva Convention.
He called for the local, regional and international bodies and rights groups to work towards ending the suffering of Palestinian children in Israeli jails.
Source: MEMO