Germany to receive compensation payments for refugees

The EU will give Germany some €4.5 billion in compensation for having taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees since 2013, according to a media report. Each non-EU citizen accepted will bring in nearly €3,000.
The European Union is set to give Germany some €4.5 billion ($5.26 billion) in the next budget period running from 2021 to 2027 as compensation for the financial burden of taking in some 1.7 million refugees since 2013, a German newspaper reported on Friday.
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung said in its exclusive report that the EU would pay out €2,800 for every non-EU citizen who had come to Germany as a refugee and stayed.
According to figures cited from the statistics office Eurostat, 1.7 million such immigrants have been accepted in Germany since 2014, with half of that number arriving in 2015 when the country opened its borders amid a refugee crisis fueled by various conflicts in the Middle East, notably in Syria.
The money is to come from the structural fund that the EU uses to support economically fragile regions, the report said.
Source: DW

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