The Oppression Camp in Italy

The situation the refugee camps in Italy are far from humanitarian conditions. The cameras of the visitors are broken when entering in the camp, so that they would not be able to record the inhumane conditions there. The food is disgusting, the toilets do not have doors, the beds are outdoor, the violence is common and the length of stay is indefinite.
Centri di Permanenza per il Rimpatrio (CPR) Camp, the refugee detention center in Italy’s Turin, is an example of hardship and mistreatment that the refugees have been facing. The detainees in the camp say, “they treat us like criminals, this place is worse than prison.”
The cameras of the visitors are broken inside to prevent that people record the irregularities there. The citizens of the same country are kept in different cells, so that they would not “get organized.” The detainees in the camp finally revolted against the inhumane situation of the camp. In response to that, more than 40 riot police stormed the camp and fired pepper gas and pressurized water.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHRC) Global Trends Report in 2018, there are 70.8 million forcefully displaced people on earth.
Kaynak: Novara Netweek

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