The controversial photo of the nine students, taken during the school’s Saint Sava Day celebration on Monday, caused an uproar among Bosniaks in Srebrenica who said they fear for their children’s safety. The Chetnik Detachments of the Yugoslav Army was a WWII Serb nationalist movement. During the 1992-95 Bosnian war, Serb nationalists wearing Chetnik insignia …
Tag: Bosna Hersek
They left a pig carcass in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This provocative action in Bratunac, which is in the Republika Srpska (RS), which is one of the two entities in the country, and today the majority population is Serbs, drew the reaction of the Muslim Bosniaks in the city. Elvir Hodzic, the imam of the mosque in the city center, stated that the pig carcass …
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UN court upholds Ratko Mladić convictions and life sentence
The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals on Tuesday rejected his appeal against 2017 convictions for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Mr Mladić, 79, known as “the Butcher of Bosnia”, presided over some of the most horrific crimes to occur in Europe since the Second World War. He commanded violent ethnic cleansing campaigns …
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