Selahattin Demirtaş, the co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), said that it is a complete deception to say “coup plotters lost and democracy won”.
Author: utancadminyeni0954
Turkish singer calls the coup attempt “theatre play”
In the evening of failed coup attempt on 15 July 2016, Turkish singer Hayko Cepkin said in a tweet that he congratulated people’s World Theatre Day which is in fact on 27 March.
Geert Wilders says if he becomes Dutch president he would close the country’s borders to Muslim immigrants
Dutch Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders says if he becomes Dutch president he would close the country’s borders to Muslim immigrants. He also says Islam is not compatible with liberty or freedom, noting all muslims are not terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims today.
Marijuana found in dorm belonging to Fethullah Terrorist Organization
Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, was found in a dorm belonging to Fethullah Terrorist Organization in the city of Erzurum. The dorm is to be shot down by authorities.
“Fire at people, or else I will shoot you” said sergeant to soldiers during failed coup attempt
In the investigation of Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) after the failed coup attempt, 36 soldiers aere arrested and 14 are set free. The accounts of soldiers at Kuleli Military High School in the evening of failed coup on 15 July 2016 revealed the horror. The infantryman Mustafa Güneri explained what happened in the ditrict of …
Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) blacklisted 21 million people in the last six years
Fethullah Terorist Organization (FETÖ) blacklisted 21 million people in the last six years. It was also found out that the organization planned to imprison more people than the prisons in Turkey can have. A list of 9,000 people who were to be prosecuted if the coup on 15 July had succeeded was found. It is …
Imam and the community attacked by man with chopper
In the evening of the failed coup attempt led by Fetullah Terorist Organization (FETÖ), a person attacked the Imam and a community member with a chopper at a mosque in the Fatih district of Istanbul. Imam Mr Tunaoğlu said the following: “While we were sitting in the mosque, a man came up to us with …
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Three Migrant Children Die at Sea Trying to Reach US
Three Central American children died off the coast of Mexico on route to the United States. Prosecutors from the southern state of Chiapas said that at least three migrant children drowned after the boat they were in capsized in heavy rain. The children are believed to have drowned on Wednesday morning but their remains were …
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“We would remove anyone hindering Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO)”: Judge loyal to FETO
Members of Fethullah Terrorist Organization have long been known to infiltrate judiciary. The judge at the Council of State Mr Ebubekir Başel said in his confessions on the Fethullah Terrorist Organization the following: “Our job was to create a new era in bureucracy, and hinder those who attempted to stop us. We would prevent people, …
Wounded people rejected in a hospital known for its loyalty to Fethullah Terrorist Organization
Turgut Ozal Hospital in the capital city of Ankara refused to accept patients in the evening of failed coup attempt on 15 July 2015. A person who went for treatment said: “They [the staff] started to shout at us. They said “How dare you fight against the [rogue] soldiers? How dare you go out on …