Austria deports Syrian migrants

Human rights organizations stated that Austria, one of the countries criticized for not opening their doors enough to Syrian refugees, deported 1,153 Syrian migrants. In response to a question, Austria’s Minister of the Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner said that 1,153 Syrian refugees had been deported so far. Minister Mikl-Leitner stated that 191 refugees were accepted into …

Human traffickers leave refugees with babies on the motorway

Following a notification, police teams riding on the west motorway came across with 20 refugees left on the motorway by human traffickers. In Upper Austria Schärding area, during routine controls in the Esternberg parking area, a 44-year-old Hungarian-origin person and 4 refugees, including 2 children, were taken to the police station due to suspicion. Hungarian-origin …

US-backed YPG forces committing war crimes against Syrian civilians, according to Amnesty International

US-backed YPG/PYD forces have forcefully displaced thousands of Syrian civilians, mostly Arabs, and demolished villages in northern Syria, often in retaliation for the residents’ perceived sympathies for Islamic State and other militants, London-based human rights watchdog Amnesty International has said. A fact-finding mission to northern Syria has uncovered a wave of forced displacement and home …

Cries of the Afghan girl moving beyond wire fences

News agencies received the photo of a girl sobbing behind the wire fence at the Greek-Macedonian border. Aged 4 to 5, a little Afghan girl was crying ‘Please, open the border!’. Arriving from Afghanistan, thousands of refugees have been waiting at the Idomeni border. The reason for this is that like many other European countries, …

Asylum seeker attempting to cross the border swimming obstructed and drownedHungary to detain all asylum seekers in container camps

A Syrian migrant drowned in the Tisza river last week as he was trying to cross from Serbia to Hungary, police said on Monday, and the U.N. refugee agency blamed Hungary for adopting a policy that forced many migrants to take hazardous routes. Police confirmed the death of the 22-year-old man in a reply to …

“Fire at people, or else I will shoot you” said sergeant to soldiers during failed coup attempt

In the investigation of Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) after the failed coup attempt, 36 soldiers aere arrested and 14 are set free. The accounts of soldiers at Kuleli Military High School in the evening of failed coup on 15 July 2016 revealed the horror. The infantryman Mustafa Güneri explained what happened in the ditrict of …

Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) blacklisted 21 million people in the last six years

Fethullah Terorist Organization (FETÖ) blacklisted 21 million people in the last six years. It was also found out that the organization planned to imprison more people than the prisons in Turkey can have. A list of 9,000 people who were to be prosecuted if the coup on 15 July had succeeded was found. It is …

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