Woman died after 11-hour ER wait at New Brunswick hospital

The sister of a woman who spent some of her final hours waiting in a New Brunswick emergency room says she believes the wait contributed to her death.
Donna Bordage says Marianne Porter waited for 11 hours in the Moncton Hospital before being seen.
Bordage said her sister spent that time hunched over and moaning in pain, and she believes the wait contributed to her death only hours later.
“She was having a hard time breathing, she was visibly uncomfortable, she couldn’t stand up, she couldn’t eat,” Bordage said.
Bordage said Porter went to the hospital last Saturday morning for what she believed was a hernia.
Porter’s vitals were normal, but she was left in the waiting room in severe pain, waiting for hours before she was finally seen, her sister said.
“They needed to do bloodwork to find out that … she was in acute kidney failure,” Bordage told Global News.
Doctors worked on her sister overnight, but her kidneys eventually shut down and she died just after 9 a.m. on Sunday.
Porter was 58. She had three children.
A spokesperson for the regional health authority, Horizon Health Network, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Source: The Star

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