Three years after far-right activist Baruch Marzel was charged with assaulting a Palestinian, the court case stalledpartly because he didn’t show up for hearings.
Three years after far-right activist Baruch Marzel was charged with assaulting a Palestinian, the court case has stalled in part because Marzel has simply not shown up for hearings.
On February 16, 2015 the Israel Police filed an indictment against Marzel for attacking Palestinian Issa Amru in Amru’s home in Hebron. The indictment described an incident that had taken place two years earlier, in February 2013. According to the indictment, Marzel entered Amru’s courtyard in Hebron on his way to prayers.
For a reason unknown to the plaintiff, Marzel, entered Amru’s courtyard. When he and some guests who were drinking tea with him asked Marzel to leave, Marzel punched Amru in the face and later kicked him in the leg twice. Marzel was accused of criminal trespassing and assault.
But five years later, the legal proceeding hasn’t progressed. Marzel repeatedly refrained from reporting to court sessions, which were repeatedly postponed.
The Israel Police responsed that “With the conclusion of the investigation the accused was indicted for trespassing and assault. Since then the defendant has been evasive, first by his absence and afterwards by requests for postponements by his representative.
“In light of the fact that he failed to report for the first sessions a writ of habeas corpus was issued and his deposits were confiscated, until the defendant reported to the court about a year ago.
“Since then the judicial proceeding is still going on in the court and it continues due to the requests to the court by the defendant’s representative.”
Source. Haaretz