Extreme right-wing leaders banned in Brussels “Islamic safaris”

The mayor Françoise Schepmans of Sint-Jans Molenbeek, a Muslim of half population, said it would not allow extreme right-wing activity. Schepmans stressed that he does not want Dutch leader Wilders and extreme right-wing Flemish interest party leader Filip De Winter’s visit to Molenbeek. If necessary, police will be forced out of county extreme-right wing politicians.
Wilders and Flemish interest (Vlaams Belang) leader Dewinter decided to go to district of Molenbeek in Brussels, where attackers lived before anniversary of Paris attacks on 13 November 2015. The extreme right-wing leaders have announced their visit to Molenbeek, “Europe’s Gaza Strip,” as “Islamic safari” from social media. The overly-right-wing Flemish leader Filip Dewinter has pledged to visit Wilders, Molenbeek, which he said was “no different from a Moroccan town.” The two leaders decided to go Grand Mosque (Grote Moskee), which is financed by Saudi Arabia. The two most-right-wing leaders wanted to give message “This is not Islamic country, but European land” in Molenbeek neighbourhood of Muslims, half of population of “Jihad capital”. However, Flemish Government’s Minister for Culture, Youth and Brussels, Sven Gatz, described Wilders and Dewinter’s “Islamic safari” as “disgusting”. The Flemish minister, who said two leaders would go to Molenbeek to ratify their prejudices, considered it disrespectful. Socialist Party leader Carine Moreaux also visited mayor of Molenbeek, Françoise Schepmans on Wednesday, asking him to take necessary precautions for visit. Belgian authorities, visit on November 3rd, find it alarming in terms of security, while Mayor Schepmans has acted to formally ban arrival of two extreme right-wing leaders.
Source: http://www.turkeytelegraph.com/world/extreme-right-wing-leaders-banned-i…

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