Neo-Nazi terrorist groups are continuing attempts to radicalise and recruit followers online despite being banned by the Government, The Independent can reveal. The Home Office outlawed Scottish Dawn and NS131 (National Socialist Anti-Capitalist Action) as aliases of National Action, which is the first far-right group ever proscribed in the UK. The ban came weeks after The Independent warned that both Scottish Dawn and NS131 were front groups being used by National Action members to evade authorities. But the websites of both newly designated terrorist groups remain online, complete with propaganda videos, images, supremacist diatribes and ways to join.
Amber Rudd has vowed to combat the “vile racist, homophobic and antisemitic groups” and their ability to glorify violence and stir up hatred. “I will not allow them to masquerade under different names,” the Home Secretary added. “By extending the proscription of National Action, we are halting the spread of a poisonous ideology and stopping its membership from growing – protecting those who could be at risk of radicalisation.”
Scottish Dawn has a working online form where “activists” can apply to be interviewed for a place, while NS131 is still urging potential members to contact them via an encrypted email service favoured by neo-Nazis. The official YouTube channels for Scottish Dawn and NS131 remained online until late on Friday afternoon, containing a range of extremist videos.