European Union seeks agreements with African dictators to deter refugees

The European Union (EU) is abandoning all pretense of human rights restraints in its refugee policy. A strategy paper published last week by the EU Commission outlined migration partnerships that will compensate nine states in Africa and the Middle East, both transit countries and countries of origin, for their cooperation in deterring refugees. The goal …

Big freeze takes deadly toll on migrants in Europe

As a big freeze grips Europe, the plight of refugees has become increasingly desperate. At abandoned industrial buildings in Belgrade, those unable or unwilling to enter official shelters in the Serbian capital are shivering in temperatures lower than -20C. Last week, three migrants froze to death in the biting cold. The bodies of two Iraqi …

EU is silent on abuses against refugees in Eastern Europe

The European Union prides itself on being a bloc of fairness, justice and equality. But is it ignoring abuses against refugees in Eastern Europe? It’s not just heads of state who have launched an all-out assault on refugees. Public officials, policemen—and an overwhelming majority of the public have joined in. 1. Hungary “Every single migrant …

Bulgaria: Dinko Valev, the xenophobic vigilante who forces refugees to stay

There is a so-called “Refugee Hunter” called Dinko Valev who has become infamous within Bulgaria and the EU for assaulting and illegally detaining asylum seekers who he finds have entered Bulgaria from the Turkish border. There are also other far-right groups copying the actions of the “Refugee Hunter” such as the Association for the Protection …

Oxfam: Refugees treated brutally on Balkan route

Refugees and migrants using the Balkan route often experience violent, brutal and unlawful treatment by authorities, according to a report published Thursday. People fleeing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria told researchers for NGO Oxfam, which compiled the “A dangerous game” report, that they had been beaten, robbed and illegally deported by police, border guards and …

Two daughters of Bulgaria’s Deputy Chief Mufti assaulted in Sofia street

Unidentified assailants attacked two daughters and the wife of one of the Deputy Chief Muftis of Bulgaria, one of the spiritual leaders of the country’s Muslim minority, public broadcaster Bulgarian National Radio reported on June 27. The assault on the family took place as they were emerging from a supermarket in Sofia. The attack by …

Bulgarian nationalists march in honor of pro-Nazi general

More than 2,000 far-right activists from several European countries staged a torchlit procession through Sofia on Saturday to honour a Bulgarian pro-Nazi general, despite opposition from the Balkan country’s political parties and Jewish groups. The procession, known as the Lukov March after Hristo Lukov, who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions in the 1930s and early …

Europe’s Extremists Try Recruiting from Police, Army: Europol

Europol, the European police agency, issued a “Strategic Report” earlier Tuesday, saying that right-wing violence is on the rise in many EU states. The confidential report, cited by German media, says that the extremist groups seek to boost their “combat skills” by recruiting military and police members. The report noted that extremist groups are getting “increasingly popular …

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