When reporting on the embarrassing admission from Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson that he didn’t know what Aleppo is, The New York Times inadvertently revealed that they didn’t really know what Aleppo is either.
The New York Times immediately read his embarrassing gaffe into the record. It wrote:
“What is Aleppo?” Mr. Johnson said when asked on MSNBC how, as president, he would address the refugee crisis in the Syrian city that is the de facto capital of the Islamic State.
The Syrian city of Aleppo is not the de facto capital of the Islamic State. When the New York Times was apprised of this, it quickly rewrote the piece:
“What is Aleppo?” Mr. Johnson said when asked on MSNBC how, as president, he would address the refugee crisis in the Syrian city that is a stronghold of the Islamic State.
Aleppo is also not a stronghold of the Islamic State.
Finally, in it’s most current form, The New York Times simply, but accurately, calls Aleppo a “wartorn Syrian city” and added a correction: “An earlier version of this article incorrectly called the city of Aleppo the de facto capital of the Islamic State and an ISIS stronghold. Raqqa, in northern Syria, is the de facto ISIS capital.”