7 Teenage Deaths, but No Answers for Aboriginal Canadians

They were teenagers from tiny indigenous Canadian communities, isolated by a maze of lakes and forest. Thunder Bay, a metropolis by comparison, offered them their only opportunity for a high school education. Instead, the students met death. Indigenous leaders and parents of the dead had long called for investigations, suspecting the students were victims of …

Israeli military’s new chief rabbi implied soldiers can rape in war

The man chosen as the Israeli military’s new chief rabbi has previously implied that soldiers would be permitted to rape women in war. Karim was at the center of a media controversy in Israel in 2012, when it was revealed that, in 2003, he suggested on a religious website that soldiers were permitted to commit …

Bully teens severely beat up man who was sticking up for refugees that were being harassed in Germany

A man in Germany who allegedly tried to stop a group of teenagers from harassing refugees was beaten up until he lost consciousness, the police reported on Wednesday. The man initially succeeded to protect the refugees and the bullies left when suddenly, one of the teenagers took the man’s briefcase and ran. The 39-year-old man …

Three Migrant Children Die at Sea Trying to Reach US

Three Central American children died off the coast of Mexico on route to the United States. Prosecutors from the southern state of Chiapas said that at least three migrant children drowned after the boat they were in capsized in heavy rain. The children are believed to have drowned on Wednesday morning but their remains were …

Teenager threatened with axe and struck in head with Coke can during racially-motivated attack

A 19-year-old man had been cycling long Freemantle Grove, Hartlepool, on Saturday, July 9, when a grey van with three men inside deliberately swerved towards the teenager. The dangerous move caused the cyclist to move out of the way as he travelled towards Seaton Lane between 4pm and 4.10pm. The trio inside the van then …

“We would remove anyone hindering Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO)”: Judge loyal to FETO

Members of Fethullah Terrorist Organization have long been known to infiltrate judiciary. The judge at the Council of State Mr Ebubekir Başel said in his confessions on the Fethullah Terrorist Organization the following: “Our job was to create a new era in bureucracy, and hinder those who attempted to stop us. We would prevent people, …

Incidents of anti-Muslim abuse up by 326% in 2015

Monitoring group’s report paints picture of an explosion of anti-Muslim hate, with women disproportionately targeted by mostly teen perpetrators. Incidents of anti-Muslim abuse and attacks in public areas of the UK rose by 326% in 2015, with women disproportionately targeted by mostly teenage perpetrators, according to a new report from the monitoring group Tell MAMA. …

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