European Union seeks agreements with African dictators to deter refugees

The European Union (EU) is abandoning all pretense of human rights restraints in its refugee policy. A strategy paper published last week by the EU Commission outlined migration partnerships that will compensate nine states in Africa and the Middle East, both transit countries and countries of origin, for their cooperation in deterring refugees. The goal …

Balkan countries shut borders as attention turns to new refugee routes Assad regime’s starve or surrender strategy ‘a crime against humanity’

Hundreds of thousands could become trapped in Greece after Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia announce frontier closures. European leaders claim to have closed the main refugee route to northern Europe, raising the possibility of tens if not hundreds of thousands of refugees being trapped in Greece while the EU attempts to finalise a deal that could …

EU is silent on abuses against refugees in Eastern Europe

The European Union prides itself on being a bloc of fairness, justice and equality. But is it ignoring abuses against refugees in Eastern Europe? It’s not just heads of state who have launched an all-out assault on refugees. Public officials, policemen—and an overwhelming majority of the public have joined in. 1. Hungary “Every single migrant …

Oxfam: Refugees treated brutally on Balkan route

Refugees and migrants using the Balkan route often experience violent, brutal and unlawful treatment by authorities, according to a report published Thursday. People fleeing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria told researchers for NGO Oxfam, which compiled the “A dangerous game” report, that they had been beaten, robbed and illegally deported by police, border guards and …

Croatian war criminal commemorated by Bosnian Croats

The Bosnian Croats gathered in the city of Mostar in commemoration of former Croatian general Slobodan Praljak. He committed suicide by drinking poison upon confirmation of his 20-year jail term for war crimes against Bosnian Muslims during the Bosnian War between 1992-1995 while on trial in the Hague. Bosnian Croats attending the commemoration believe Praljak …

EU-bound migrants scuffle with Bosnian police near border

Bosnian police blocked about 400 migrants from reaching the border with its neighbour and EU member Croatia on October 23, sparking a scuffle, shortly after thwarting another group in a similar attempt. “They tried to cross by force. The police turned them down. There was a scuffle,” police spokeswoman Snezana Galic told AFP of the confrontation near …

Serbia raps Croatia over treatment of Afghan migrants

Serbia’s refugee agency has accused Croatian border police of torturing a 16-year-old Afghan refugee and of denying him and 15 other migrants travelling with him their right to claim asylum in the European Union. Croatia’s interior ministry dismissed the accusations as “unfounded and… absolutely incomprehensible” and said they stem from Zagreb’s determination to protect its …

Europe’s Extremists Try Recruiting from Police, Army: Europol

Europol, the European police agency, issued a “Strategic Report” earlier Tuesday, saying that right-wing violence is on the rise in many EU states. The confidential report, cited by German media, says that the extremist groups seek to boost their “combat skills” by recruiting military and police members. The report noted that extremist groups are getting “increasingly popular …

Institutional racism in the justice system is prevalent across EU states says new report

Institutional racism is prevalent in criminal justice systems across the European Union and has created a “justice gap” in such cases, a new study has found. The research, carried out by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), has found “deeply-rooted institutional racism” affects all parts of the justice process, from the very reporting of the …

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