Yemen Faces the Worst Famine the World Has Seen in Decades, the U.N. Warns

Conflict-torn Yemen “is falling off a cliff” and will face the worst famine the world has seen for decades unless donors, and especially its Gulf neighbors, contribute generously to this year’s U.N. humanitarian appeal for $3.85 billion, the U.N. humanitarian chief warned Wednesday. Mark Lowcock said Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab …

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report

As the conflict continued to intensify in Marib and along the west coast, UNICEF, in partnership with UNFPA and WFP, continued to reach displaced populations at all frontlines with first line response packages, reaching an additional newly 11,875 displaced households (83,125 individuals) across 20 districts through the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM). • From January to …

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