Spain’s Vox party leader says Ukrainian refugees, not Muslims, should be welcome

The leader of Spain’s Vox party said Wednesday that Ukrainian refugees, not Muslim migrants, should be welcomed in Spain. “Anyone can tell the difference between them (Ukranian refugees) and the invasion of young military-aged men of Muslim origin who have launched themselves against European borders in an attempt to destabilize and colonize it,” Santiago Abascal …

Space Conference Censors Name of First Human in Space Because He Was Russian

Whipping themselves into a Freedom Fries-esque fit of censoriousness, a space industry conference has removed the name of celebrated Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first human to travel into space, from an event. The nonprofit Space Foundation announced in a now-deleted note that “in light of current world events” it would be changing the name …

Ukraine matters, but so did Bosnia 30 years ago. Where was the outcry then?

This week, we shall be subjected to further appalling reports from Ukraine: murderous brutality and human suffering and resilience at its receiving end. President Vladimir Putin’s invasion has been condemned as the worst violence in Europe since the Second World War. But 30 years ago this week, a similar atrocity was detonated in Bosnia-Herzegovina. On …

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