Refugees and migrants largely forgotten in Covid-19 vaccination drive

If you are not a citizen where you live, for whatever reason, you will likely be low down on the vaccination list. If you are stateless, have migrated to another country or are a refugee due for security or political reasons, you know how it feels to live in a state without full legal rights. …

Greece: Pushbacks and violence against refugees and migrants are de facto border policy

Greek border forces are violently and illegally detaining groups of refugees and migrants before summarily returning them to Turkey, in contravention of their human rights obligations under EU and international law, new research from Amnesty International has revealed. The report, Greece: Violence, lies and pushbacks, documents how the Greek authorities are conducting illegal pushbacks at land …

Top EU official says Greece must stop unlawful deportations of migrants across its borders

A top EU Offical said the Greek government must stop the unlawful deportation of migrants, following reports of illegal ‘pushbacks’ over the Greek-Turkish border. Pushbacks occur when refugees are forcibly removed without the opportunity to claim asylum, and usually involve violence. Last month, Amnesty International reported that “pushbacks and violence against refugees” are a “de …

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