Turkish Cyprus condemns mosque attack on Greek side

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on Thursday condemned an attack on a mosque in Limassol province in the Greek Cypriot Administration’s area. According to Turkish News Agency-Cyprus (TAK), unidentified individuals wrote slogans praising the Greek uprising on its anniversary of March 25, 1821 along with the Greek flag and a cross drawn on …

Support to the Turkish family who suffered racism in France

Turgut Baştan, who lives in the town of Nibelle, near the city of Orleans, France, and his family, were left with bloody pig feet in front of their house last week. The townspeople supported the Baştan family, who was subjected to racist attack, with a demonstration they organized. The crowd marching with banners reading “solidarity” …

Homework in Germany: Turkish students targeted

The homework titled “Murat and Ayşe”, which was inspired by the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” at Krupp High School in Duisburg, Germany, and included expressions that offended Turks, drew criticism. In the aforementioned assignment, there is a text about Murat and Ayşe’s story set in the forest, searching for doner kebab in the forest. …

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