Code Pink activist carrying a banner that read “Boycott Israel” was taken off the floor by security

Code Pink, a non-governmental organization describes itself as women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement, tried to protest Israel for supporting Palestinian human rights at the DNC (Democratic National Convention). Code Pink entered the convention halls to urge delegates to “support justice for Palestine.” They held banners that said “Free Palestine” or “Building Settlements Prohibits …

US air strikes in Syria killed at least 77 innocent civilians mistaken for Isis fighters

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, at least 56 civilians were killed in strikes in Toukhan, north of the Isis stronghold of Manbij on Tuesday, and 21 were killed in air strikes on Manbij itself on Monday. The Observatory said the dead from Tuesday’s air strike included 11 children. The total number …

“All Muslims in the US should be monitored” says American politician

On 15 July 2016, Newt Gingrich, an American senior politican and political consultant, said in an interview with Fox News that all Muslims in the United States should be tested to see if they believe in Sharia Law. “Let me be as blunt and direct as I can be. Western civilization is in a war. …

Three Migrant Children Die at Sea Trying to Reach US

Three Central American children died off the coast of Mexico on route to the United States. Prosecutors from the southern state of Chiapas said that at least three migrant children drowned after the boat they were in capsized in heavy rain. The children are believed to have drowned on Wednesday morning but their remains were …

Florida islamic center is removed as a polling site after complaints and threats

For years, the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, Fla., served as a polling station for Palm Beach County voters.Since at least the year 2010, citizens have cast their votes within the pastel green walls of the mosque, whether it was for a presidential primary, a municipal election or a special primary. Last week, however, the …

Muslim flight attendant sues airline after dismissal for refusing to serve alcohol

A Muslim flight attendant who was placed on unpaid leave last summer after she refused to serve passengers alcohol is suing the airline. She converted to Islam two years ago and later found out it was forbidden to serve alcohol so she went to her supervisor to note her concerns. Her supervisor reportedly told her …

Bangladeshi Imam and his associate were killed in New York City

A Muslim imam of a mosque in New York City and his associate have been shot dead while walking along together following afternoon prayers, authorities say. Police said that the victims, identified as Imam Maulana Akonjee, 55, and Thara Uddin, 64, were both wearing religious garb at the time of shooting. Members of the Bangladeshi …

Muslim couple kicked off Delta flight for ‘sweating’, saying ‘Allah’ and texting

A Muslim couple who accused Delta Air Lines of Islamophobia for throwing them off a flight have spoken of their ordeal for the first time. Nazia Ali had removed her sneakers, finished sending a text message to her parents and was putting on headphones and settling into her seat for the nine-hour flight from Paris …

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