100 Refugees feared drowned in Mediterranean Sea

Nearly 100 refugees are feared to have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea after their boat capsized, an international aid organization said Thursday. According to a tweet by the Italian branch of aid group Doctors Without Borders, at least 27 refugees were rescued by coast guards early Thursday morning. The authorities retrieved seven bodies; at least …

French far-right protesters storm migrant center, clash with police

After the resettlement of Calais refugees across France, anger among far-right groups has risen as protestors stormed the Brittany migrant center. Riot police used tear gas to restore order. Brittany village of Arzon in northwestern France witnessed violent anti-immigrant demonstrations on Monday, as protestors from local far-right groups clashed with riot police after they stormed …

8 Germans charged with forming far-right terrorist group

Eight Germans have been charged with forming a far-right terrorist organization and carrying out bombing attacks on asylum-seeker facilities and left-wing political targets, federal prosecutors said Tuesday. The seven men and one woman are accused of forming in 2015 the “Freital Group,” named after a suburb of the eastern city of Dresden that has seen …

Right-wing asylum-related attacks rising in Germany

As hate crimes against migrants in Germany continue to rise, more than 450 attacks on German politicians and refugee helpers were registered this year, according to Federal Criminal Police (BKA) statistics published online Sunday by the weekly newspaper Zeit. Some 317 of these offenses were directed against politicians and 144 of them against workers in …

Iranian refugee says he was attacked by a group of men on Manus Island, Australia

A 24-year-old refugee says he was assaulted by a gang of youths on Manus Island, in the latest act of alleged violence against detainees from Australia’s offshore processing centre. The man told police he was walking from a Lorengau hotel to a lodge on Sunday evening when a group of young men called out to …

German town builds 13ft wall to separate refugees from residents

A suburban town in Germany is building a 13ft-high stone wall to separate residents from refugees living at a nearby migrant accomodation facility. Officials from Neuperlach Sud, outside Munich, said the prospect of a wall was raised after locals complained about 160 unaccompanied young refugees moving into the area. The residents argued the values of …

Italian police torture, abuse refugees in ‘hotspot’ camps amid EU pressure, Amnesty reports

Italian police have reportedly used batons and Tasers to coerce migrants into being fingerprinted under EU regulations, Amnesty International said in a new report. Many cases potentially amount to torture and abuse, the group stated. The Amnesty International paper, which includes dozens of migrant testimonies and witness accounts, particularly criticizes the controversial ‘hotspot approach’ advocated …

Greek archbishop calls for halt in Athens mosque construction

Ieronymos II, the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, asked not to rush for the construction of a mosque in Athens, adding that he had serious concerns about the building of the edifice. Speaking on a nationwide broadcasting TV channel, Ieronymos II said that recent events changed his positive views regarding the construction of a …

Asylum seekers face lifetime ban from entering Australia if they arrive by boat

The Turnbull government plans to introduce legislation to ban asylum seekers who arrive by boat from ever being allowed into Australia. The ban will apply to any adult who has been sent to detention centres on Nauru or Manus Island since 19 July 2013. It means adults who have previously tried to enter Australia by …

Syrian refugee and daughters found dead in Danish freezer

The bodies of a 27-year-old Syrian woman and her two young children have been found in a freezer in southern Denmark. Officers are searching for the woman’s husband who is also father to the children, aged seven and nine. Police said they were contacted by a member of the woman’s family who had not been …

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