School abuse: ‘Rape culture’ warning as 8,000 report incidents

More than 8,000 allegations have now been made by school pupils on a website gathering testimonies of sexual violence and abuse. “Rape culture” was a problem for all schools, said Soma Sara, founder of the Everyone’s Invited website. Many of the perpetrators are claimed to be at the same school or in the same social …

Catholic Church in Spain faces major abuse investigation – El Pais newspaper

Spain’s Catholic Church is to open an investigation into alleged sex abuse of hundreds of children by members of the clergy dating back 80 years that the newspaper El Pais has uncovered, the daily said on Sunday. The investigation will look into allegations of abuse against 251 priests and some lay people from religious institutions …

German Catholic priest detained in child abuse case

A German court has ordered a Catholic priest to be held in provisional detention during his trial on accusations he sexually abused children, deciding there was a risk he could commit further assaults. The decision by the Cologne district court, taken on Thursday, came on the same day that a Catholic cardinal promised to learn …

Audit of several Quebec dioceses’ records identifies 87 abusers in the church: report

An independent audit of more than 80 years of files involving nine Quebec Catholic dioceses found at least 87 abusers among church personnel, according to a summary of findings released Wednesday. Retired Superior Court justice André Denis reviewed archived files of 6,809 people employed between 1940 and 2021 and uncovered 87 employees who were the …

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