European Union seeks agreements with African dictators to deter refugees

The European Union (EU) is abandoning all pretense of human rights restraints in its refugee policy. A strategy paper published last week by the EU Commission outlined migration partnerships that will compensate nine states in Africa and the Middle East, both transit countries and countries of origin, for their cooperation in deterring refugees. The goal …

French PM backs bans on burkinis as they are based on ‘enslavement of women’

The Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls has said he backs local bans on burkinis because the swimwear is based on the “enslavement of women”. He said wearing a burkini was “not compatible with the values of the French Republic,” but refused to pass a nationwide law banning it. He hinted at the importance of not …

Paris restaurant ‘refuses to serve Muslim women’

A video showing a restaurateur in a Paris suburb apparently refusing to serve two Muslim women has sparked anger in France and calls for protest. In the video, widely shared on social media, the man tells the hijab-wearing women: “Terrorists are Muslims and all Muslims are terrorists.” The incident took place at Le Cenacle restaurant …

The spy in the class: Teachers in France ordered to report signs of radicalisation in students’ exam papers

French teachers are up in arms after being asked to tip off the authorities if they see signs of Islamist radicalisation in their students. France’s biggest teaching union, the SNES-FSU, said several teachers had been asked to look out for signs of ‘anti-Semitic, racist or jihadist’ tendencies in baccalauréat exam papers. Hundreds of thousands of …

Nicolas Sarkozy proposing to ban pork-free options in school canteens and the headscarf from universities

Nicolas Sarkozy has announced he will seek his party’s nomination to stand in next year’s French presidential election. He declares that he wants to ban the Muslim headscarf from universities and public companies, limit the French nationality rights of children born to foreign parents, and ban pork-free options in school canteens, meaning Muslim and Jewish …

EP officials to pay first visit to Turkey since failed coup attempt

Officials from the European Parliament will on Tuesday pay their first visit to Turkey since the foiled coup attempt of July 15. No representatives from the European Parliament have visited Turkey until today. Turkey is still a candidate country for European Union and its parliamentery building and Presidential complex in Ankara were bombed by coup …

French politician calls for Muslims to be ‘discreet’ amid controversy over burkini bans

The incoming head of France’s government body on Islam is facing a mounting backlash for suggesting Muslims should be “discreet”. Jean-Pierre Chevènement, 77, has been charged with heading the Foundation for French Islam by President Francois Hollande – despite not being a Muslim himself. “The advice I give in these difficult times – like the …

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