59 reports of sexual harassment were filed with the Catholic Church in Belgium last year

According to a report by the Catholic Church in Belgium, “touchpoints” established in 2012 received 59 reports of sexual harassment last year. This number had been 72 in total for the previous 4 years. It was noted that 16 of the sexual harassment reports last year were rape, 27 of them were violent sexual assault, …

German Catholic priest detained in child abuse case

A German court has ordered a Catholic priest to be held in provisional detention during his trial on accusations he sexually abused children, deciding there was a risk he could commit further assaults. The decision by the Cologne district court, taken on Thursday, came on the same day that a Catholic cardinal promised to learn …

Audit of several Quebec dioceses’ records identifies 87 abusers in the church: report

An independent audit of more than 80 years of files involving nine Quebec Catholic dioceses found at least 87 abusers among church personnel, according to a summary of findings released Wednesday. Retired Superior Court justice André Denis reviewed archived files of 6,809 people employed between 1940 and 2021 and uncovered 87 employees who were the …

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