Israeli military’s new chief rabbi implied soldiers can rape in war

The man chosen as the Israeli military’s new chief rabbi has previously implied that soldiers would be permitted to rape women in war. Karim was at the center of a media controversy in Israel in 2012, when it was revealed that, in 2003, he suggested on a religious website that soldiers were permitted to commit …

Israel approves 250 new homes’ construction in the occupied West Bank

Israeli authorities on Wednesday approved construction of new Jewish settlement units in the West Bank while “retroactively” approving 178 housing units that have already been built in the occupied territory, Israeli media reported. The Israeli-civil administration’s supreme committee approved 250 new homes in the Jewish-only Elkana settlement in the occupied West Bank. An additional 50 …

Israeli government shuts another Palestinian radio station for allegedly ‘promoting violence’

Israeli authorities have shut down a Palestinian radio station in the Israeli-occupied West Bank over “incitement” to violence, the army said Wednesday, the latest in a series of such raids. The overnight operation in Dura near Hebron led to five arrests, according to the Israeli army. Palestinian police confirmed the detentions and said one of …

Former Israel Defense Forces spokesperson purposely claimed that Jordan’s first Olympic champion is actually from Israel

After Palestinian Ahmed Abu Ghosh won Jordan’s first-ever Olympic gold medal in Rio on Friday for the men’s 68-kg Taekwondo event, claims that the athlete’s roots in the Jerusalem area are “Israeli,” and that his family “relocated” or “moved” to Jordan decades ago have followed. “Fun fact: The family of Jordan’s first-ever gold medalist Ahmad …

Israeli forces flatten 10 more Palestinian houses in West Bank

Israeli forces destroyed two Palestinian houses in the town of Beit Jala, located 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) south of Jerusalem al-Quds, on Tuesday, Ma’an reported. Earlier in the day, Israeli bulldozers, escorted by a large number of soldiers, rolled into the town of Sa’ir, located eight kilometers (five miles) northeast of al-Khalil (Hebron), and demolished …

Israeli council leader sued for saying Arabs should be barred from Jewish swimming pools

Interviewed on Kol Chai radio station in July 28, Moti Dotan, the leader of Lower Galilee Council, said “I don’t hate Arabs, but I don’t want them at my pools. I don’t go to their pools, either.” He said he was not being being racist but said his views were a result of “cultural differences” …

Facebook ‘blocks accounts’ of Palestinian journalists

On 23 September 2016, Facebook blocked accounts of administrators for two Palestinian news publications based in the occupied West Bank. Four editors from the Shehab News Agency, which has more than 6.3 million likes on Facebook, and three executives from the Quds News Network, with about 5.1 million likes, reported they could not access their …

Two Palestinians killed in East Jerusalem and the West Bank

Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian who was allegedly wielding a knife in Israeli occupied East Jerusalem on Friday and killed another in a car that rammed into a bus stop near an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank, police said. The first incident took place at the heavily-patrolled Damascus Gate, a main entrance …

Israeli army shoots 13-year-old Palestinian girl at checkpoint

Israeli troops shot an unarmed 13-year-old Palestinian girl at an occupation checkpoint in the West Bank on Wednesday. Israel claims she continued to walk toward the checkpoint after soldiers ordered her to stop. The girl, identified as Baraa Ramadan Issawi, was shot in her legs, according to Israeli media. Israeli media first reported that soldiers …

Ban-Ki Moon calls Netanyahu’s ethnic cleansing remarks ‘unacceptable, ‘outrageous’

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has criticised Israel’s prime minister for saying Palestinians want the “ethnic cleansing” of Jews in the West Bank. Benjamin Netanyahu’s use of the term in a video attacking opponents of Jewish settlement construction on occupied territory was “outrageous”, he said. Mr Ban stressed that settlements were illegal under international law. …

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