French PM backs bans on burkinis as they are based on ‘enslavement of women’

The Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls has said he backs local bans on burkinis because the swimwear is based on the “enslavement of women”. He said wearing a burkini was “not compatible with the values of the French Republic,” but refused to pass a nationwide law banning it. He hinted at the importance of not …

Some 9,000 refugee children reported to have disappeared in Germany

Germany’s federal police says the number of missing refugee children has doubled since the start of the year. Most of the children are aged between 14 and 17-years-old. Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) has confirmed that by July 1, 8,991 unaccompanied refugee children and young people had been reported missing. The figures, which were …

Paris restaurant ‘refuses to serve Muslim women’

A video showing a restaurateur in a Paris suburb apparently refusing to serve two Muslim women has sparked anger in France and calls for protest. In the video, widely shared on social media, the man tells the hijab-wearing women: “Terrorists are Muslims and all Muslims are terrorists.” The incident took place at Le Cenacle restaurant …

The spy in the class: Teachers in France ordered to report signs of radicalisation in students’ exam papers

French teachers are up in arms after being asked to tip off the authorities if they see signs of Islamist radicalisation in their students. France’s biggest teaching union, the SNES-FSU, said several teachers had been asked to look out for signs of ‘anti-Semitic, racist or jihadist’ tendencies in baccalauréat exam papers. Hundreds of thousands of …

PVV calls for ban on the Koran and refugee centre closures in election plans

In Holland, the far-right PVV, led by Geert Wilders, has published a one page list of the party’s main campaign points for the March general election. The draft election programme, with the name “The Netherlands is ours again”, contains 11 points, most of which focus on what Wilders’ calls ‘de-islamising’ the Netherlands. The PVV wants …

Muslim doctor in US: “My patient refused to let me treat her because of my religion”

“Making my rounds in the hospital one day, I put my stethoscope to a patient’s chest while she kept her eyes fixed on the television screen over my shoulder. Hours before, bombs had torn through an airport and a train station in Brussels. My 65-year-old patient watched a flurry of images on Fox News showing …

Mayor fires refugee project intern for wearing headscarf in Germany

Mayor Elisabeth Herzog-von der Heide of the town Luckenwalde, in Brandeburg, fired an intern after one day because she would not take off her headscarf. “The Islamic headscarf is a means of expressing a religious worldview,” Herzog-von der Heide said on Wednesday. The mayor said that therefore, wearing a headscarf would violate the neutrality of …

Texas Muslims received death threats amid increasing Islamophobia in US

Vincent Simon recalls feeling shocked when he flipped on the Masjid Al Sahaabah mosque’s voicemail to hear a death threat from a man promising to behead Muslim worshippers. Simon, a US military veteran who converted to Islam some five years ago, said that the small mosque and its attendees are threatened regularly, receiving three or …

British Muslim siblings ordered off plane and interrogated on London airport after passengers claimed seeing Arabic text on phone

Three British Muslim siblings interrogated on London airport runway after fellow passengers claimed seeing Arabic text on phone. Sakina Dharas, 24, her sister Maryam, 19, and their brother Ali, 21, were on board EasyJet flight EZY3249 from London’s Stansted Airport to the Italian city of Naples on August 17. Sakina told that as the plane …

Nicolas Sarkozy proposing to ban pork-free options in school canteens and the headscarf from universities

Nicolas Sarkozy has announced he will seek his party’s nomination to stand in next year’s French presidential election. He declares that he wants to ban the Muslim headscarf from universities and public companies, limit the French nationality rights of children born to foreign parents, and ban pork-free options in school canteens, meaning Muslim and Jewish …

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